Neighbors recall moment house exploded in Port Washington


Residents of quiet Port Washington were getting ready for bed Thursday night, just before 10 p.m. when their houses were rattled through the night.

“It rocked my house so loud our windows shook,”

Sandra McNutt-Mann tells JMN.

McNutt-Mann said she thought someone drove a vehicle into her family’s home – but little did she know, her house shook that much from a house explosion that occurred along Fillman’s Bottom Road NW in Port Washington, originally reported by the Tuscarawas County Scanner.

“We ran outside to see if someone hit our house,” she said. When her family realized it wasn’t their house, they went to see what the ruckus was. “We jumped in the car to check out the neighborhood.”

She was surprised when she found out the home that was engulfed in flames, was nearly a mile-and-a-half away from her residence.

Another Port Washington resident said he was in bed asleep when his nighttime rest was interrupted by a loud boom.

“I’m about a mile from where the explosion took place. Even at that distance the shockwave was so violent it woke me up,” said Corey Garabrandt. “I jumped out of bed and ran outside to see what happened. I could see smoke and an orange glow in the distance.”

He said the flames were seen from a far distance away, and he feared the worst for who ever lived in the house.

A lady who referred to herself as the home occupant’s sister, posted on Facebook that her sister got out of the home when the fire started and is ‘unharmed but on the way to the hospital.’

At this time, officials have not been available for comment. There is no information on cause of the fire or the condition of the home occupant.