Alliance HS student arrested after gun found in waist band


An Alliance High School student was arrested Wednesday afternoon after a gun was found in the waistband of his pants.

Alliance police is handling the investigation, and they said a .22 caliber handgun was discovered on 18-year-old Hogan Wade. Concerns were made after he allegedly posted on social media about having a gun at the school.

Wade, who was booked into the Alliance jail, was charged with inducing panic, weapons on school property, and drug abuse; a vape pen with THC was also found on Wade, according to police.

Alliance City Schools superintendent Robert Gress released a statement, saying a video on social media caused concerns for the district to contact that Alliance police department, who apprehended the student in question off of school grounds and confiscated the firearm.

Gress added that while the police investigate the circumstances regarding the incident, the student, who was not named directly in the school’s press released, will not be permitted on school property.

“Alliance City Schools does not tolerate the possession of weapons of any type in any school building, vehicle, at any interscholastic competition, extracurricular event, or at any other program or activity,” Gress said. “Alliance City School District takes any and all situations involving student safety very seriously. Any unusual behavior or suspicious activity should be reported immediately to the district’s central office at (330) 821-2100.”