How to properly measure snow


The National Weather Service of Pittsburgh is advising local residents on how to accurately measure snowfall as the area prepares for a snow storm in the area.

They say you need supplies, a plan, a good set-up, a way to measure snow and a way to report the total.

  1. Supplies: Rule or yard stick. 24″ x 24″ white board, flag.
  2. Planning: Find an open area away from tall objects, but sheltered from wind.
  3. Set-up: Set up before snow begins; put board out and mark it with the flag.
  4. Measuring snow: Measure once daily at the same time, after measuring, place the board of top of the snow.
  5. When snow stops: Measure as soon as the snow stops to avoid lower totals due to melting.
  6. Reporting: Send in the report to local media.

See above photo for snow measuring instructions.