Homrighausen says he will continue as Dover mayor despite city council’s resignation request


Dover Mayor Rick Homrighausen responded directly to Dover City Council Monday evening during a Committee of the Whole meeting.

Homrighausen, who was asked to resign by council last week, called into the meeting by phone to let members of council know he plans to fight for Dover’s future and remain in office as mayor.

Last week, Dover City Council president Shane Gunnoe and all seven council members signed a letter calling on the mayor to resign, citing his “declining ability” to lead the city of Dover.

During his public comments directed at council Monday evening, Homrighausen touted his accomplishments while in office – first elected as mayor in 1991.

Dover City Council unanimously voted to pass Emergency Resolution 3-21; allowing an investigation into personnel issues of the city administration.

(Photo: https://www.facebook.com/MayorRick/photos/a.909667392429497/971324099597159)