Suspect charged with murder in Carroll County changes plea to ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’


Arlen Atkinson, the man charged with aggravated murder, murder and aggravated arson after setting fire to a man at a Carroll County independent living facility, has withdrawn his former plea of not guilty, according to a judgement entry filed within the Carroll County courts.

Atkinson has changed his plea to “not guilty by reason of insanity” to all counts of this indictment.

Atkinson is accused of dumping gasoline on Scott Hupp and setting him on fire after an argument where Hupp allegedly called Atkinson a racist against the amish on January 23, 2021, according to an investigator. The action resulted in the death of Hupp – who lived with Atkinson at the Lilly Rd. NW home.

A suggestion was filed by the defendant for incompetency to stand trial. The court ordered Atkinson to undergo competency and sanity evaluations before a decision is made.

The defendant continues to be held on $2,000,000 cash bond at the Carroll County jail.