Jackson Twp police informed about possible ‘Bobcat/Mountain Lion at large’ in Hills & Dales area


Updated information (2/18/2021 3:56 p.m.): Jackson Twp. Police has made contact with the person identified as the ‘owner’ of the wild cat. The person told police he has never kept large cats nor does he have one that is missing. He claimed that the false information of a ‘pet Bobcat’ escaping from his home was posted to his social media by a person who hacked into his Facebook account.

Original Story: Jackson Township police say they received information yesterday evening that there was a ‘Bobcat/Mountain Lion’ at large in the area of Hills and Dales NW.

Jackson Township police said all of the information regarding the animal at large are social media based and they have not received any calls confirming any sightings. Chief Mark Brink said none of the information has been verified to support the claim.

An official with the Stark County Sheriff’s office tells JMN they did received one call yesterday about what appeared to be a “large wild cat with a collar” that was spotted in the Hills and Dales area.

This information is all social media based but authorities say they are ready to take action to protect the community if necessary.