DeWine to allow more spectators at sporting events, entertainment venues


Governor Mike DeWine announced Thursday afternoon that sporting events and entertainment events will be allowed to reopen with a 25% indoor capacity limit and 30% maximum limit for outdoor events.

Governor DeWine noted if the situation continues to improve, the limit could be expanded in the spring/summer.

Social distancing will be required to attend the events and meet the guidelines, the Governor noted. This includes:

  • Mandatory masks
  • Social distancings
  • Seating in pods of no more than six people. Recommended to be of the same household.

General admission (lawns, standing room and infields) will be allowed as long as masks are worn and social distancing is adhered by.

Governor DeWine noted there will be guidance available soon for proms, banquet centers, wedding receptions, fairs, festivals, and parades.