No…Ohio’s mask mandate has not been lifted


Many people on social media are confused about the Ohio Department of Health’s newly issued health order.

Yes there is a new health order; no, it doesn’t remove the current mask mandate in Ohio.

The point of the most current health order was to mainly combine all of the previous health orders into one.

A screenshot of the Director’s Order Rescinding Various Orders has been making its rounds on social media. The 9th line of the document reads, “The Director’s Order for Facial Coverings throughout the State of Ohio signed July 23, 2020 is rescinded.” The reason the document says it has been rescinded is because the Stephanie McCloud, the Director of the Ohio Department of Health, has issued a new Director’s Order, combining the previous health orders to simplify it.

On line two of the new document, it says masks are still required when:

  1. In any indoor location that is not residence
  2. Outdoors and unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet or more from individuals who are not members of their family/household
  3. Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation.

There are many exceptions to not wearing masks, some of them include medical conditions, exercise and many more.

The full new order can be found here.