Canton mom charged after throwing child out window, attempted to toss out second child


A Canton mother has been charged with child endangering, felonious assault and domestic violence after Canton Police say she placed her children in danger by “throwing one out the second story window.”

According to a police report, Candace Johnson, 37, of Linwood Ave SW, was arrested after tossing her young child from a window. Police say she also attempted to throw her other child out the window as well. Her sons are two and five years old.

The incident occured May 28th at Johnson’s home in the 1300 block of Lindwood Ave. SW.

In a 911 call obtained by JMN, the caller, who identified herself as Ms. Johnson, was requesting help because she said “Children Protective Services” was at the door and they were “trying to kill” her.

Police say the child she tossed out the window suffered internal injuries. His condition is unknown at this time.

Check back with JMN as more information is released.