Carrollton volleyball team to host ‘Block out cancer’ event, proceeds to benefit teacher/coach battling cancer


The Carrollton volleyball team is schedule to host a ‘Block out cancer’ event with proceeds benefiting a district teacher and coach who is battling cancer. The event will be held during a home volleyball game on Oct. 7.

Josh Beadnell is an elementary teacher and a football coach in the Carrollton Exempted Village School District who was diagnosed with stage four glioblastoma in 2020. During his courageous battle with cancer, Coach Beadnell has continued to be a father, coach and teacher.

The CHS volleyball team is hosting this event and plans to donated all of the proceeds to Coach Beadnell’s family.

During the game there will be raffle baskets donated by local businesses, ‘Block out cancer’ shirts and a 50-50. Winners of the baskets will be announced at the conclusion of the varsity game.

The public can view the raffle baskets and buy tickets starting Monday, Oct. 4th in the high school commons.