Avoid drinking & driving this New Year’s Eve; here are some companies offering free/discounted rides tonight


If you are a partygoer ringing in 2022, getting home is essential. Last year, 14 people died in Ohio over the New Year holiday weekend; 10 of the fatal crashes involved alcohol and/or drugs.

Luckily, ridesharing programs around the area are offering discounted rides on New Year’s Eve.

Even some are offering them for free.

AAA will tow the partygoer’s vehicle and transport them home if located within 10 miles.

Rides are limited to only one passenger per vehicle and passengers are required to wear a mask face per the company’s COVID-19 guidelines. 

If you find or someone else is in need of a ride, call (855) 2-TOW-2-GO.

Another ride sharing program giving out free rides going into the new year is Lexna.

Lexna will hand out free rides home for partygoers for the third year in a row in partnership with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). 

Riders can claim their free ride by booking one through the Lexna app or by calling (1-800)-39-LEXNA.

Other companies like Uber are offering discounted rides heading into 2022. 

For new Uber members, if they use the code “NEWRIDER15”, they will get $5 off for their first 3 rides.