Minerva Local Schools vote to give teachers, staff Covid-19 appreciation bonus pay up to $1,000


In a recent school board meeting, the Minerva Local Board of Education unanimously approved Superintendent Gary Chaddock’s recommendation of Covid-19 appreciation pay for all active Minerva Local employees.

“Just over three years ago, we met with many of you in a brief meeting after school, letting you know that the District would be moving to remote instruction,” Chaddock wrote in an email to staff informing them of the bonus. “From that point forward, you persevered through unprecedented times working to

provide instruction to our students.”

The bonus ranges from $332.50-$1,000 based on a sliding scale of contractual hours:

Full-time employees (7.5 hours) – $1,000; 7 hours – $933; 6.5 hours – $864.50; 6 hours – $798; 4.5 hours – $598.50; 4 hours – $532; 2.5 hours – $332.50.

Employees will see the bonus on their April 20th pay.

Chaddock said he, along with the Board, remain thankful of the work from the staff.

“It is incredible to reflect on the effort put forth during this pandemic by our classified, certified, and administrative staff,” he said. “The School Board’s action is one way for the District to recognize the tremendous actions of our staff during such an unprecedented time.”

Robert Foltz, Minerva’s School Board President, said the decision to pass the extra pay was an easy one.

“The Board views this action as a way for us to show a small token of appreciation for our staff, who for three extraordinary years now, have leaped over hurdles for the students of Minerva Local Schools,” he said.