Three Uhrichsville men charged in death of man found shot to death in Dennison


Three men are behind bars in connection with the death of John Bashline II, 37, of Powhatan Point, who found dead behind Trinity Twin City Hospital in Dennison.

Bashline was found dead in the back seat of his car with a single gunshot wound to the chest, according to Sheriff Orvis Campbell.

Campbell said three men, all of Uhrichsville, were later arrested in connection to Bashline’s death.

Dalbert “Dale” Sanders, 36, of Uhrichsville will be charged with Bashline’s shooting death, abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence. Michael P. Reynolds, 37, of Uhrichsville, and Dominic A. Reynolds, 26, of Feed Springs Road SE in the Uhrichsville area, are being held in the county jail, pending charges for abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence.

“It should be noted that the individuals claim that the shooting death of Mr. Bashline was not intentional,” Sheriff Campbell said. “The individuals provided statements independent (but consistent) of each other that describe the shooting as the result of heavy drinking and reckless and dangerous handling of a firearm causing Bashline’s death.”

The shooting occurred at a home in the 9900 block of Feed Springs Rd S.E. in Mill Township.

Video evidence and witness statements led to the arrests of the three men. . Video footage collected by Detectives also began to reveal that a second vehicle, a dark colored pickup truck seen in some of the footage may have been involved in the crime.

“These admissions did not come without initial dishonesty from all three of the suspects. Investigators had to work through numerous false statements before getting to a set of facts that appeared probable,” Campbell said in a press release.

Specific details as to what took place are being withheld until investigators can review the rest of the physical and electronic evidence and so the Prosecutor has time to review the case to determine the appropriate charges for the individuals involved.