North Canton man arrested for drunk driving crash that killed John Pappas


A 27-year-old North Canton man was arrested Monday by the Jackson Township Police Department on charges related to a crash that killed a local man on Sept. 11, 2022 at 11 p.m.

Jacob Lee. Muiter, 27, is accused of traveling westbound on Strausser St NW when he went left of center and hit a car with John and Kristine Pappas, both 53, in it. John Pappas was pronounced dead at the scene and Kristine Pappas sustained injuries.

The Jackson Township Police Department investigated the crash for over two months before charging Muiter with Aggravated Vehicular Homicide – OVI (F2), Aggravated Vehicular Homicide – Recklessly (F3), Aggravated Vehicular Assault (F3), Improperly Handling Firearms in a Motor Vehicle (F5), Alcohol OVI (M1), Drugs OVI (M1), Reckless Operation and Speeding (MM).

The investigation is ongoing and no other information will be released at this time.