Caretakers accused of burning mentally impaired patient with scalding hot water


Two women are facing multiple charges after court records accuse them of burning a patient they took care of with hot water.

According to a criminal complaint filed in Canton Municipal Court, Tasha N. Harris, 43, of Belden Ave in Canton, and another 56-year-old woman from North Canton were caregivers for a functionally impaired 36-year-old patient.

It’s alleged that Harris and the other woman, who’s name has not been released, used scalding hot water to bathe the patient on Dec. 4, 2022.

The complaint states Harris and the other suspect “recklessly” assaulted the victim while bathing the female patient. It’s alleged they used a removeable showerhead to bathe the victim and caused severe burns on her body which required skin grafts and hospitalization.

Harris is facing charges of Patient Endangering and Assault. She was arrested by the Stark County Sheriff’s Office and is scheduled to be arraigned on Friday, March 24. It’s unclear what charges the other suspect is facing.