Man killed in accident at Quaker City Motorsports Park in Salem identified


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Facebook: Quaker City Motorsports Park

A longtime racer died in an accident at Quaker City Motorsports Park in Salem Saturday evening.

The Mahoning County Coroner responded to the track after a “jet car” crashed during the race track’s event called “Night of Fire.”

The car, operated by Al Zukauskas, rolled over and caught fire. Zukauskas died on the track. Zukauskas vehicle, called Hot Blade, crashed into the track’s side wall while going 286 MPH and exploded, according to witnesses.

“[Al] was a long-time racer who tragically lost his life in a high-speed crash at Quaker City Motorsports Park on Saturday, July 22,” read a Facebook post by Quaker City Motorsports Park. “To spectators, Al was a great racer. To the racing community, Al was a father, husband, and a friend who enjoyed racing and entertaining crowds. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.”