Complete list of donation opportunities for Tusky Valley crash victims


In the wake of the tragic fatal crash involving the Tusky Valley band, the community, and surrounding areas are stepping up to supply financial support for the crash victims and their families.

JMN has compiled a list of ways to donate around the area.

(If you can’t view the complete list all the way across on your phone, scroll over and you’ll see the website column.)

American Country ApparelOnlineT-Shirt Sale
Beauty Lounge by Cailey121 W 3rd St, Suite 104, Dover50% of cash sales will be donated 16-22
Biggby CoffeeNew Philadelphia“Round up” your total – 100% of proceeds donated 17-19
Canal Street DinerBolivar20% of sales will be donated 16-17
Craft Bistro & LoungeNew PhiladelphiaDonation jar available for all patrons
Divine Ink121 W 3rd St, Suite 9, DoverWalk-in, cash only tattoo event – 20% of proceeds will be donated 17 from 10am-5pm ; First Come First Served
Dough Co.Dover, New Philadelphia, CantonDonation jar available for all patronsN/AOngoing
Fashionably FlawlessN/AT-Shirt Sale…/tvstrong-fundraiserOngoing
First Federal Community BankDover, New Philadelphia, Uhrichsville, Sugarcreek, Berlin, Mount HopeWill be accepted at any of the locations or can be mailed to PO Box 38, Dover, OH 44622 – Checks payable to “TV Strong” or “Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools Trojan Foundation Inc”firstfed.comOngoing
First Stop Signs & ApparelNew PhiladelphiaSigns and shirts available
Haven Shala (Organizer)N/AGoFundMe
Jackie ProctorOnline100% of proceeds from Elderberry and Hormone Harmony Tea Sales will be donated
Jo Creative Co.OnlinePortion of photography gift card sales to be donated 12/31/23
Kayla Ross (Organizer)OnlineGoFundMe for Jeffrey Worrell funeral expenses
Legacy Church233 Front Ave SW, New PhiladelphiaTV families needing assistance with childcare, pet care, meals, transportation, hotels, etc. while your loved ones recover will be assisted
Lightning SignsNew PhiladelphiaYard signs – 100% of proceeds will be donated
Lockport BreweryBolivarCash and card donations 16-18
Maria Goedel (Organizer)OnlineGoFundMe for Brynn Goedel
Miller’s CreameryDover, New Philadelphia30% of sales – Donation jar also available 17
Pulp Juice & Smoothie BarDover50% of all sales 16
Rod’s DonutsUhrichsville50% of cash sales to be donated – Donation jar available as well 16 from 5am-2pm
Rustic Ridge Wedding BarnNew PhiladelphiaVenue free of charge for gatherings and benefits
Soul SistersZoarComplimentary cup of coffee to anyone who may need one alongside additional love and prayer
Strasburg Band BoostersSubway in StrasburgCollecting gift cards of any kindN/AOngoing
SubwayBolivarDonation jar available for all patronsN/AOngoing
Sunny Hive OrchardSherrodsvilleDonating 25% of all online sales and Facebook basket &
Texas RoadhouseNew Philadelphia10% of proceeds will be donatedN/ANovember 20 from 3pm-10pm
The Drone GuyDoverDonating video services
The Mod Chair Cosmetic ParlourMineral CityFree haircuts and discounted services for the families of those affected
The Nail Shop121 W 3rd St, Suite 103, DoverWalk-in, cash only nail event – 20% of proceeds will be donated 17 from 9am-4pm ; Text 330-795-9141 First Come First Served
Through the Years Child Care CenterBolivarCollecting donations
Youthful Rejenneration136 2nd ST NE, New Philadelphia20% of all appointments this week plus 10% of all ZO Skin & Gift Card sales will be donated – Donation jar also available. 16-18