Fire destroys mobile home in Robertsville, just outside of Minerva; State Fire Marshal investigating


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Sandy Creek Joint Fire District Chief Aaron Stoller reported a mobile home fire in Robertsville, just outside of Minerva, with the incident occurring around 10:30 Wednesday evening. The fire took place at 11394 Lincoln St SE, a property owned by Guy Easterling Jr.

Neighbors indicated that the mobile home, though usually vacant, had been occasionally inhabited. Initial reports and emergency calls were made by the neighbors who could see the flames illuminating through their windows. The trailer had no active utilities at the time of the fire.

The fire also spread to a nearby shed/garage that was owned by the next door neighbors.

The Ohio State Fire Marshal has taken charge of the investigation into the cause of the fire.

The Osnaburg Twp Fire Dept and the Great Trail Fire District assisted on scene.