Rockin’ Out Cancer: Nonprofit celebrates resilience, raises money for cancer fight with music


When most people discuss cancer or even say just the word, it is usually in a hushed, somber tone.

The word and very topic evoke a visceral, emotional reaction as so many of us link cancer to mortality. Thus, some people will instinctively whisper the word, as if afraid of it.

Tony Pasco, meanwhile, has quite a different reaction to cancer.

The man laughs at it. His response is to jam to some good tunes and have a great time.

It is not that Pasco finds cancer amusing or that he enjoys any aspect of this dreaded disease. Far from it, Pasco has witnessed the toll cancer can take on the body as well as on a family.

Tragically, Pasco lost his brother 14 years ago to leukemia at the youthful age of 41.

“You know, we have heard people say many times, how can you celebrate cancer, it makes no sense,” said Pasco. “Here is what I say. We don’t celebrate the disease cancer. Rockin’ Out Cancer is an opportunity to celebrate those we have lost, those who have won, and those who are fighting.”

Rockin’ Out Cancer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the fight against America’s second-leading killer. One hundred percent of the organization’s proceeds goes to the cause, as all money is earmarked for Ohio State University’s Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute, as well as to a local family fighting cancer.

But this group is different, and that is just the way Pasco and company like it.

“From day one the vision has been that we walk to the beat of a different drum,” said Pasco. “There is nothing gained by being somber, so take the time to make memories together and for at least one night, set the pain aside and come together to make new friends, share a meal, a cold drink, some great music, some good laughs and most importantly a community coming together for a common purpose all rowing in the same direction. That has been our vision since day one.”

According to Pasco, it is not just music and laughs for a night to forget about cancer. It’s also the attitude required to defeat this insidious foe.

“I do believe a positive attitude is imperative when facing cancer,” he says. “I know that is easier said than done, but I have had the opportunity to see some of the strongest people with the most positive outlook when their back is against the wall fighting the fight.”

The beneficiaries of the organization’s fundraising are an interesting story, to hear Pasco tell it.

“I had the fortunate opportunity to meet a wonderful lady, Ladonna Solove, who is the widow of Richard J. Solove,” he said. “When most people hear of the facility in Columbus, OH you always hear people say “The James,” but what many don’t know or what does not get mentioned enough is Richard Solove, before his death, auctioned off his personal collection of Rolls Royce vehicles

at Pebble Beach and donated those proceeds that made a huge impact on the beginning of the research institute. This is why we chose them as an annual recipient.”

Donating a fleet of Roll Royces? Now that is a rock star move in keeping with the organization’s ethos. However, while the research institute is still a valuable ally, Rockin’ Out Cancer has shifted its donations over the past two years.

“Today we still donate a portion of our proceeds to the research institute, but our committee has decided to focus on more families,” said Pasco. “We have switched gears the last two years and so in addition our goal is to support three families annually.” Visiting Rockin’ Out Cancer’s website, one can read about the three families and individuals assisted in 2023. The stories are touching yet marked with that indelible never-back-down, rock ‘n roll spirit celebrated by the organization.

There is also a “Tell Your Story” section in which applicants can tell their story.

“It came about from our desire to show our donors where their money is going,” said Pasco. “We receive stories from those fighting the fight or from loved ones telling their story. We then evaluate each letter based on several factors and we vote to determine who the recipients will be each year. As you can imagine, this is a meeting that sheds a lot of tears.”

Still, it also speaks to the effect the organization is having within its community, because Pasco believes when “you can put a face with a name and see that you are making a difference in someone’s life during a very difficult time, there is nothing more powerful and satisfying.”

The concert this summer will be held Saturday, August 10 at 2017 Knox School Road in Alliance. Gates open at 4 p.m. and food served between 5 and 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online for $35, or on the day of the show, you’ll pay $40. Children 12 and under are admitted for free.

Four bands will take the stage, including Two Piece Chicken Dinner, a duo that plays classic rock, country, and pop, followed by Thrown 2 Gether, which also plays a wide variety of genres. Third is Pushing Daises, an 80s – 90s band, and the headliner is Vicious Cycle, a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band.

Take some great music, mix in liberal quantities of friends, food, and fun, topped off with the knowledge that your hard-earned money is doing some real good in the world.

What more could you ask for on a summer night?

“We enjoy bringing everyone together for a common cause while also having fun,” said Pasco. “Let your hair down and enjoy the ride we call Rockin’ Out Cancer and together, lets raise as much as we can to help someone in need as well as contribute to the fight against cancer.”