Approximately 100,000 people between Stark, Carroll and Tuscarawas Counties voted early


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As the 2024 November general election is set for Tuesday, Nov. 5, early voting has drawn significant participation across Stark, Carroll, and Tuscarawas counties. Early voting, encompassing absentee ballots by mail and in-person voting, has become an essential method for voters to make their voices heard before Election Day.

The following numbers were provided by the Ohio Secretary of State’s Absentee and Early Voting Dashboard.

In Carroll County, a total of 5,542 early ballots have been returned from the 5,731 ballots requested. Absentee ballots by mail accounted for 1,919 returns, while early in-person voting returned 3,623 ballots.

Stark County reported the highest turnout among the three counties, with 75,773 early ballots returned from a total of 80,014 ballots requested. Absentee by mail returned 31,641 ballots, and early in-person voting equaled the total requested at 44,132 ballots.

In Tuscarawas County, 17,101 ballots were returned from the 18,045 requested. Absentee ballots by mail returned 7,863, and early in-person voting also met the total requested, returning 9,238 ballots.

Combined, Stark, Carroll, and Tuscarawas counties reported a total of 98,416 ballots returned out of the 103,790 ballots requested.

Nearby Columbiana County also reported robust early voting, with 17,883 ballots returned out of 18,822 requested. Absentee by mail accounted for 6,139 returns, and early in-person voting met the requested total of 11,744.