Ohio sees decline in fatal crashes for third consecutive year, per Ohio State Highway Patrol


The Ohio State Highway Patrol is continuing its heightened presence on roadways statewide in an ongoing effort to reduce fatal crashes. Troopers are urging motorists to practice safe driving habits, including wearing seat belts, avoiding impaired driving, and adhering to traffic laws.

Between 2020 and 2024, Ohio recorded 5,804 fatal crashes, resulting in 6,259 fatalities. In 2023 alone, there were 1,076 fatal crashes and 1,156 fatalities. This marks a 6.4% decrease in crashes and a 6.9% reduction in fatalities compared to the previous year.

“It’s certainly encouraging to know that traffic fatalities dropped again last year – marking the third consecutive year of declining traffic deaths – but the number of people killed on Ohio’s roads is still far too high,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “For the safety of all travelers, I continue to urge drivers to eliminate distractions and keep their attention on the road ahead.”

According to Highway Patrol statistics, 26% of fatal crashes over the past five years were caused by vehicles leaving the roadway. Other leading factors in fatal crashes statewide include unsafe speed, driving left of center, failure to yield the right of way, following too closely, and running stop signs.

Through proactive measures—such as targeted enforcement against distracted driving and efforts to curb drug- and alcohol-impaired driving—86 fewer lives were lost on Ohio roadways in 2024 compared to the previous year.

“Every life lost on Ohio’s roadways is a tragedy,” said Colonel Charles A. Jones, superintendent of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. “Drivers can help prevent crashes by watching their speed, following at a safe distance, and obeying traffic laws. Safe driving is a responsibility we all share—every trip, every time.”

A statistical map containing fatal crash information is available, along with additional data on the Patrol’s Ohio Statistics and Analytics for Traffic Safety (OSTATS) Crash Dashboard.

The public is encouraged to report reckless or impaired drivers and drug activity by safely calling #677.